The following is a greeting given in one of the 20 indigenous languages recognized by the State of Alaska.
- Ade’ ndadz dengit’a?
- Language: Deg Xinag
- Translation: "Hello, how are you?"
Other Places to Find Information
Other Places to Find Information
Your local library should be able to provide these basic reference books, which include information about Alaska.
Click here for online Alaska Historical collection of Gold Rush photos. Also, a catalog of Gold Rush photos can be ordered (cost: $5.00) by contacting the Alaska State Library-Alaska Historical Collections, PO Box 110571, Juneau, Alaska 99801-0804-0571 or telephone (907) 465-2925 or fax a request to (907) 465-2990. Dont forget to check out the following websites for information on Alaska.
Alaska Facts
State Nick Name: "The Last Frontier" - the name Alaska is derived from the Aleut word "Alyeska," meaning "great land."
State Motto: "North to the Future"
State Capital: Juneau, located in the Southeast region of Alaska, has a population of 33,277 (2015 Estimate of Population, Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development)
Alaska Map:

Alaska Flag:

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